Stewardship - Your Own, of Your Own
“Your Own from Your Own,” from the Divine Liturgy - as we offer back to God that which He has given us. He receives our humble offering of bread and wine and returns them to us as His Body and Blood in Holy Communion.
The essence of Stewardship is that we first give ourselves to God and then seek to do His will as his servants. Unless our hearts are in Christ, then we will find it difficult to do His will. We can only become His servants, by accepting His lordship over our lives. We can give our "time" to the Lord by our daily devotion, reading his Word, by attending Church services and by assisting others in need. We can use our "talents' in response to God's love by serving God as a Youth Worker, a Choir member, a Parish Council member, joining a cleaning team, by helping with social events, and simply responding to the call of service to others. We use our "treasures", our income, God's gift to us to glorify his name. By sharing our "treasures" with the Lord, we become co-workers with Him in His work of salvation. Stewardship, as the management of God's gifts to us, is the method by which Christians should support their Church. We are to return a portion of what God has given to us back again to God.
Stewardship is a matter of our personal faith in God and He keeps his promises. St. Paul writes: "He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
Download a 2025 Stewardship Card
Some common questions…
Can I pay my stewardship over a period of time throughout the giving cycle?
Yes. In fact, weekly or monthly offerings are suggested because it is easier to manage small, regular contributions rather than large accumulated amounts. It is also easier for the Parish to plan its budget if the income is regular throughout the year.
Do I have to disclose my income?
Absolutely not!
How confidential is my stewardship pledge?
All records are kept in the strictest confidence. Only persons authorized by the Parish Council have access to the Stewardship records.
How should I turn in my Stewardship Card?
Please download a Stewardship Card from the link above, fill it out, and turn it into the Church Office.