Patronal Feast Day of Saint Lawrence

The parishioners and visitors celebrated the memory of the Holy Martyr Lawrence on August 10. The day was extra joyful as we were blessed with the presence our Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, Metropolitan Tarasios of Buenos Aires, and His Grace Bishop Ioannis of Phocaea for the feast.  Fr. Seraphim Majmudar (the Proistamenos of St. Lawrence) was elevated to the rank of Economos and the end of Divine Liturgy. Axios!. Metropolitan Gerasimos was able to spend some time with the parish Youth Group and the hierarchs visited with parishioners and guests. Many visiting clergy were able to celebrate with us for for Great Vespers and again for Divine Liturgy. It was a wonderful day and everyone enjoyed an outdoor brunch and activities following the Liturgy.

Click Here for Feast Day Photos

Patronal Feast of Saint Lawrence